Great Deals on Movies from Amazon UK
May 14, 2010
So, I follow @dealsplus on Twitter and they find some really good things. They had a link to The Matrix Trilogy on Blu-ray for £11 or so at Amazon UK. I checked the US and Canada sites and it was over $35 US and about $100 CA respectively. Craziness, innit? I got that trilogy early this year and looked for some others recently and got the Bourne trilogy for £17 and Pirates trilogy for £25. Shipping costs are £3-£4, which is very little, but just know that it might take 3-4 weeks to get to Canada. [Update: Scratch that. Pirates came in 7 days!] I did mention that these are all on Blu-ray, right? In case you’re wondering, no issues with PAL vs NTSC, but don’t hold me accountable if you buy a DVD and it doesn’t work for you.
Try comparing prices and you might find some great deals. Enjoy!
Akaal Sahaai