Vegan Sikh Geek

Great Deals on Movies from Amazon UK

May 14, 2010

So, I follow @dealsplus on Twitter and they find some really good things. They had a link to The Matrix Trilogy on Blu-ray for £11 or so at Amazon UK. I checked the US and Canada sites and it was over $35 US and about $100 CA respectively. Craziness, innit? I got that trilogy early this year and looked for some others recently and got the Bourne trilogy for £17 and Pirates trilogy for £25. Shipping costs are £3-£4, which is very little, but just know that it might take 3-4 weeks to get to Canada. [Update: Scratch that. Pirates came in 7 days!] I did mention that these are all on Blu-ray, right? In case you’re wondering, no issues with PAL vs NTSC, but don’t hold me accountable if you buy a DVD and it doesn’t work for you.

Try comparing prices and you might find some great deals. Enjoy!

Akaal Sahaai

Navdeep Singh

Written by Navdeep Singh. His work is on GitHub. He's also on LinkedIn.