Reader Question: Is Organic Milk Cruelty-Free?
August 25, 2012
Is organic milk cruelty free?
It can be, though not necessarily. Dairy being organic and dairy being cruelty-free are exclusive from one another. It can be cruelty-free but not organic, and organic but not cruelty-free. It could be both and it could be neither. I would define dairy as being cruelty-free if it met the following criteria at minimum:
- Calves are not taken away from their mother
- Bull calves are not discarded
- Calves are not sold for veal
- Cows are not contained in pens
- Growth hormones/antibiotics are not used
- Cows are hand-milked or at least personally supervised during machine-milking
- Cows are not artificially inseminated
- Cows are not sold to butchers who bleed them to death, skin them alive, etc.
I’ve probably missed things that I should have added, but I do hope this helps.
God Bless.